Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Behind the Digital Payment

It was quite obviously that Singapore is behind in terms of digital payment with most preparing cash as payment. The population is slowing being weaved off the bacteria-filled and cold hard cash.

However, sometimes the ecosystem is just not ready for this new wave of digital payment.

Equipment is Not Ready

Friday, February 23, 2018

Arrival of Winter in Sodor

My eldest would occupy a high portion of the living room sofa to his Island of Sodor, for Thomas and his Friends.

No Butt Space

After we had taken out the light emerald sofa cover for washing, my eldest decided to reinstall his Island of Sodor on the sofa and called it the winter (wonder)land.

Snow Cometh

Monday, February 12, 2018

Mist Amongst the Morning Sun

The morning before I head home for a good rest after a hectic opening 6 weeks where travelling in planes, taxis, cars, and train was the norm.

A Picturesque Morning in Fascinating Asia

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Waiting Game

The flight was delayed and I had lots of time to sit down and catch some shut eye. The scene of a cold winter afternoon was too good to miss before I snooze.

Could it be better in B&W?