Wednesday, September 27, 2017

High Rise Trap

I was surprised to see that the Clementi town centre was been refreshed with new flats. New happy owners will move in shortly and they will have new debts to pay.

As Tall As It Can Go

Awaiting To Be Filled

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Chairs Galore

A typical scene of a lecture hall in one of Singapore's new premier university. Rolls and rolls which would need filling up to be sustainable.

Front View

Looking a bit like the Droids from Star Wars

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Chairs Hub

The new Tampines Hub has a stage with seats nicely placed for any performance, free screening of movies and what not. It started with bean bags and too many people falling asleep. Now there are more formalised chairs.

Neat and almost military in formation
Waiting to be Seated