Monday, January 30, 2017

I "heart" Amsterdam

It was another brief stopover in the morning to Amsterdam for a field visit. Just managed a couple of pictures - iconic and otherwise, during the brief visit.

Its on T-shirts, bags and everything else
Cold and Windy but still Iconic
Old Gas Tank

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Busy Port

Rotterdam was once on the world's busiest port. An late afternoon site visit and it was pretty windy.

Late Winter Afternoon

Near Rotterdam Centre

 Lots of immigrants left The Netherlands for the U.S. from this location. Nice place for a dinner.

Icons of Rotterdam

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Loud Music

The Dutch DJs are world famous. They like their music - loud and pumping.

Relative Size

A noisy neigbhour

Monday, January 9, 2017

Evening Sun

Departing near 7pm often offers a chance of a glorious view of the setting sun.

Towards the End of a Sunny Day

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dashes of Red

The upcoming Chinese New Year is just 3 weeks away. Many businesses are now readying themselves and converting to the CNY theme from their Christmas theme.

Almost A Seamless Change